University of Wisconsin Psychology Internship Training Program

Psychology Internship

The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Psychology Internship offers clinical science training in three tracks, Adult, Child, and Pediatric Psychology. We feature training in evidence-based clinical practice. Our core program is structured, yet flexible. We strongly encourage self-directed learning and the pursuit of elective experiences. Ours is a rich, stimulating, and vital training milieu characterized by invigorating discussion and collaborative clinical instruction. Trainees describe our program as warm and friendly. The internship follows a clinical science model of training and is intended for those individuals whose training and interests emphasize the application of scientific principles within clinical psychology.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Meredith Rumble, Ph.D.

Position title: Co-Director of Psychology Training; Psychology Internship Adult Track Director; Associate Professor (CHS Track)

Jason Horowitz, Ph.D.

Position title: Co-Director of Psychology Training; Psychology Internship Child Track Director; Child and Adolescent Psychologist; Associate Professor (Clinical Track)

Stephanie Farrell, Ph.D.

Position title: Psychology Internship Pediatric Track Director; Clinical Health Psychologist

Jennifer Noll

Position title: Internship & Continuing Education Manager


Phone: (608)263-6273

Psychology Internship Training Program:

“We greatly value the consideration of a variety of theoretical orientations as well as a warm and supportive environment in which to learn and work together."

Meredith Rumble, PhD, Psychology Training Co-Director UW-Madison Department of Psychiatry