*** Due to COVID-19 the 2020 APA Reception has been canceled. Please check back for information on the 2021 Wisconsin APA Reception ***

The University of Wisconsin Psychiatry Department APA Reception is a private event and you must RSVP to attend.
If you are interested in attending an upcoming reception, if you would like to be placed on our invitation list, and/or if you would like to update your contact information, please complete the form below or contact the reception organizer, Amber Sebastian.
Each year, in conjunction with the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting, the University of Wisconsin Department of Psychiatry hosts an annual reception for alumni, faculty, residents, colleagues, friends and affiliates of the department. It’s a wonderful opportunity for colleagues to reconnect, network, and hear about what is new in the department. It also fosters opportunities for research collaboration and faculty recruitment.

UW Psychiatry APA Reception - Invitation Mail List
For alumni, faculty, colleagues, and affiliates of the UW Psychiatry Department. Complete this form if you wish to receive invitations to the University of Wisconsin APA Reception (in conjunction with the annual APA Meeting)